
Rigging the Coverage of Syria
The major U.S. news media has consistently slanted its coverage of the Syrian conflict to back neocon desires for more U.S. military intervention in support of “regime change,” Gareth Porter wrote for FAIR. Coverage of the breakdown of the partial ceasefire in Syria illustrated the main way corporate news media distort public understanding of a major foreign policy story. [...]
Russia is the ‘Only Adult in the Room’ When it Comes to Syria
Michael Morell's recent statements with retired CIA intelligence officer and State Department official Larry Johnson. Former CIA Deputy-Head Michael Morell who supports Hilary Clinton's election campaign said Tuesday that Russians and Iranians in Syria should be killed covertly to make their countries "pay a price" and quickly resolve the Syrian crisis. [...]
Beijing Crosses Washington’s ‘Red Line’ in South China Sea
The Chinese military appears to be dramatically increasing its presence around a key island in the South China Sea, sending a strong message to Washington. As Beijing continues its land reclamation projects in the South China Sea, Washington has remained adamant about one [...]
Russia-Turkey Summit’s Message: ‘Europe is No Longer the Center of the World’
In its analysis of the outcome of the talks between Presidents Putin and Erdogan earlier this week in St. Petersburg, Italian news magazine L’Espresso says the meeting has sent two strong messages, telling Europe “it is no longer the center of the universe”, and demonstrating to the US that Turkey has “other strategic options on the table.” [...]
It Takes Guts: This is Why Putin is West’s Most Indispensable Ally
In the face of a "war of a thousand cuts" unleashed by Islamists does the West truly have any viable alternative to cooperation with Putin's Russia? Vladimir Putin is certainly one of a kind, writes G. Murphy Donovan, a former American intelligence officer, in his opinion piece for US conservative daily The American Thinker. [Elite_video_player id="6"] [...]
Ex-CIA Chief’s Comments Reflect ‘What US is Secretly Doing in Syria’
Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell, who has recently endorsed Hillary Clinton, has caused a firestorm when he said that the United States should covertly kill Russians and Iranians in Syria, with Russian lawmakers denouncing the remarks as "monstrous" and experts saying that he merely [...]
‘Kill Russians and Iranians, threaten Assad,’ says ex-CIA chief backing Clinton
Former CIA deputy director Michael Morell, who supports Hillary Clinton and insists that Donald Trump is being manipulated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, said that Russians and Iranians in Syria should be killed covertly to “pay the price.” [...]
‘Travesty of Democracy’ as Canada’s Closed Borders Mar Opening of World Social Forum
This year's World Social Forum (WSF), which is being held in Montreal this week, is off to a rocky start as hundreds of international activists were denied entry due to Canada's restrictive visa policies. Aminata Traoré, who is one of the candidates to replace United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, was among those barred from attending.   [...]
Dirty War Files Show How Clinton Ally Kissinger Backed Regime of Terror
Newly declassified papers on the U.S. government's role in Argentina's 1976-83 "Dirty War" have been released, detailing—among other things—how former secretary of state Henry Kissinger stymied attempts to end mass killings of dissidents. [...]
Obama’s Offering of Largest Military Aid Package Ever Is Not Enough for Israel
Israeli officials play hardball, demanding that the Obama Administration pony up more than the record $40 billion ten-year offering made by the US -- by a cool $10 billion Last week, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford met with his Israeli counterpart at the Pentagon to discuss the new multi-billion-dollar military assistance package currently in negotiation between the Obam [...]
Crimean leader says republic to stay with Russia forever
The Crimean Republic will remain a part of the Russian Federation “forever,” the head of the region, Sergey Aksyonov, said on Monday in talks with foreign officials. “There will be no return to Ukraine. This question has been completely solved and cannot be reversed. [...]
Baku Interested in Russian MC-21, First 10-Plane Contract May Be Signed in 2017
Baku has expressed interest in the new Russian MC-21 passenger jets. The first contract might be inked next year. Azerbaijan is interested in purchasing Russian MC-21 passenger jets, the first contract to purchase 10 planes may be signed in 2017, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said Monday. [...]
Investors eager for Russian high-yield bonds
Near-zero interest rates are forcing investors to look for higher yields, and that could come from Russian corporate bonds, even though they are difficult to get under Western sanctions. Russian issuers were practically ousted from the world’s financial markets in early 2014 when European and US sanctions were introduced. [...]
Trident nuke renewal plan blown out the water by govt’s own watchdog
Britain’s new multibillion-pound Trident nuclear submarine fleet may be in jeopardy after the government’s own watchdog warned the project faces “major risks.” The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) has cast doubt on the Trident renewal plan. [...]
Ahmadinejad to Obama: You still have time to fix ‘bitter past’ & return $2bn to Iran
US President Barack Obama should use his remaining time in office wisely and “restore people's rights” by returning $2 billion in frozen Iranian assets, former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wrote in a letter to the White House.   [...]
Russia and Turkey ‘Will Resolve Syria’s Problems’ As Bilateral Ties Improve
Upcoming talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan are of particular importance to the Middle East since bilateral cooperation could lead to a resolution of the Syrian crisis and prevent the US from meddling in the region, Turkish Air Force Lt. Gen. (ret.) Erdogan Karakus told Sputnik. [...]
Unlike US, Ireland Just Sent Three Bankers to Jail for Role in 2008 Crisis
A Dublin court has sent three former senior banking executives to jail for committing "sham transactions" in an effort to deceive customers and shareholders during the 2008 financial crisis."The trio will be among the first senior bankers globally to be jailed for their role in the collapse of a bank during the crisis," as Reuters reports. [...]
Two Years On: How Russia’s Agricultural Sector Reaps the Benefits of Sanctions
On the two-year anniversary of Russia's counter-sanctions against Western food products, its agricultural industry is going from strength to strength. On August 7 2014, Russia imposed counter-sanctions on food products from Western countries which had imposed sanctions against some Russian individuals and entities in March 2014, following Crimea's decision to join the Russian Federation in the [...]
Syrian-Russian ‘Humanitarian Offensive’ Takes US Policymakers by Surprise
The joint Syrian-Russian humanitarian operation to save civilians trapped in militant-held territories in Aleppo has struck a severe blow to US policy in the country, says former diplomat and Middle East expert Vyacheslav Matuzov.   [...]
‘Russia Has Won the Proxy War in Syria’: Deal With US Fulfills Moscow’s Mission
Commenting on the recent developments in the Syrian conflict and the agreement between Russia and the US on the coordination of bombing missions in the country, many media sources now agree that Moscow has the upper hand in the conflict and its agreement with the US will grant it and its ally Iran the final victory. [...]
‘We Have No Voice’: Military Expert Irate Over Italy’s Entry Into Libya Campaign
Italy may very well be joining the US anti-Daesh operation in Libya, having offered Washington the use of Sigonella air base in Sicily for USAF raids into the North African country. Sputnik spoke to Italian military journalist Mirko Molteni about why Italy has once again allowed itself to become involved in a NATO air war over Libya. [...]
Russia offers NATO an olive branch, but is reconciliation in NATO interests?
Russia has invited NATO’s military experts to Moscow in September and offered a “positive program” for developing relations with the military alliance — but is reconciliation really what NATO is interested in? Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said the proposal was aimed at decreasing tensions and that Moscow was ready for a constructive approach, despite differences betwe [...]