
Lawmakers, Peace Groups Team Up to Block ‘Disturbing’ US-Saudi Arms Deal
Anti-war advocates are launching an 11th-hour bid to stop U.S. Congress from approving a $1.15 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia in its fight against Houthi rebels in Yemen, which was announced earlier this month.Chief among them are the activist group CODEPINK and U.S. Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.), [...]
Gorbachev: 7 Things You May Not Know About the Last Soviet Leader
The first president and the last leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev celebrates its 85th birthday on Wednesday, March 2. Gorbachev has been praised by millions around the world – especially in the West — as the man who put Russia on the road to democracy and ended the Cold War. [...]
Kiev to Sue Russia? Maybe Crimea Should Ask Compensation for 20 Years of Looting
Ukraine's Foreign Ministry's is talking about filing a lawsuit against Russia over suspected violations of international maritime law in Crimea. In response, Crimean authorities suggest that maybe it's time they file charges of their own against Kiev from when the peninsula was part of Ukraine for what they say amounts to "20 years of plunder." [...]
‘Influential Factor’: Russia Continues to Gain Clout in the Middle East
Russia's current actions in the Middle East show how Moscow can catch the West by surprise, according to Thomas Avenarius, a journalist writing for the German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung. It seems that the West has been caught by surprise by Russia's current actions in the Middle East, [...]
Turkey Recalls Ambassador to Austria Over Pro-Kurdish Rally in Vienna
Turkey's foreign minister has recalled its Austrian ambassador for "consultations" in the wake of a rally held in Vienna in support of the PKK. "In response to recent events, we have withdrawn our ambassador from Vienna for consultations and to review our relations with Austria," Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters. [...]
Lavrov reveals proof of Kiev’s involvement in sabotage in Crimea
Moscow possesses strong evidence that Ukraine really prepared sabotage in the Crimea. Russia is ready to provide representatives of the Western countries with this evidence, Sergey Lavrov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs said. ‘We really don’t conceal what is known, we show people who were detained, stores with weapons and munition, which were detected in the Crimea. [Elite_video_player [...]
‘Assange kill attempt’? Unknown man climbs Ecuador’s London embassy, sheltering WikiLeaks chief
Social media users are in a panic after WikiLeaks said an unknown man had climbed the Ecuadorian embassy in London where Julian Assange has been staying for four years. Users suggested that it was probably an assassination attempt, “ordered by Clinton.” [...]
Germany to Call for Stockpiling Food, Water Fearing Catastrophic Terror Strike
Germany is on high terror alert following another round of attacks that have shocked the country leading Germany to urge citizens to stockpile resources for the first time since the Cold War. The German government plans to tell citizens to stockpile food and water in case of a catastrophic terror attack the Frankfurther Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung newspaper reported on Sunday as the country find [...]
Kremlin Presses Turkey for Access to NATO’s Incirlik Air Base, Home to US Nukes
Russian officials have reached out to Ankara to request access to the American-built base as a convenient launch pad for airstrikes in the Syrian theater, but it remains to be seen whether such cooperation will roil NATO’s feathers. Russia has called on Turkey to provide access to NATO’s Incirlik Air Base, the critical launch pad for US and coalition airstrikes in Syria [...]
Is China Preparing for Military Involvement in Syrian Crisis?
Earlier this week, a senior Chinese military officer visited Damascus to discuss closer ties between Syria and China. Guan Youfei, director of the Office for International Military Cooperation of China's Central Military Commission, met Syrian Defense Minister Fahad Jassim al-Freij, Xinhua reported. [...]
US Hawks Advance a War Agenda in Syria
The U.S. government, having illegally sent American troops into Syria, is now threatening to attack the Syrian military if it endangers those troops, an Orwellian twist that marks a dangerous escalation, explains Daniel Lazare. War, like politics, is filled with surprises. While the focus in Syria has been on a U.S.-backed rebel offensive in Aleppo [...]
More False Outrage on the Syrian War
Washington’s neocon hypocrisy surfaced again with the furor over Russia using an Iranian base to launch airstrikes against terror groups in Syria, while the U.S. uses other Mideast bases for the same purpose, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar notes. We should reflect on the meaning of Russia’s use of a base in Iran for staging airstrikes in Syria, and about what lessons we could learn from t [...]
Russia could use Incirlik airbase ‘if necessary’ – Turkish PM
Ankara wouldn’t mind it if Russia used the Incirlik airbase for its anti-terror missions against Islamic State terrorists in Syria, Turkey’s Prime Minister Binali Yildirim hinted on Saturday, but acknowledged that no such requests have been made. “Turkey opened Incirlik airbase to fight Daesh [Islamic State, formerly ISIS/ISIL] terrorists. It is being used by the US and Qatar. [...]
Russia’s Middle East breakthrough… no wonder Washington’s grouchy
Russia’s air raids in Syria, launched from Iranian territory this week, were received by Washington with a mixture of consternation and disappointment. Understandably, too. It marks a breakthrough in Russia’s standing in the Middle East. Russia is working closely in a quartet that includes Iran, Iraq and Syria. [...]
Top US commander warns Damascus & Moscow against operations near American positions
Counter measures will be taken by US troops in case they “feel threatened” by Syrian or Russian air forces, according to a senior US military official. The warning comes in the wake of a recent incident with Syrian warplanes attacking areas close to US Special Forces. [...]
Man Who Wrote About US Nukes Moving From Turkey Stands by His Report
Georgi Gotev, the author of an article about the US transferring its nuclear weapons in Turkey to Romania, insists that the information obtained from his own sources can be trusted, and promised to follow up on this subject. [...]
Incirlik Airbase is a Bargaining Chip and Blackmail Tool Between Turkey, US
Commenting on recent reports of the US transferring its nuclear weapons stationed in Turkey to Romania, Russian political scientist Andrei Manoilo told Radio Sputnik that while Washington may be very eager to do it, in reality there is no chance of this happening, and here is why. [...]
Dutch Retreat: Netherlands’ Nexit Vote May Be ‘Symptomatic’ of EU Fragmentation
The Dutch Party for Freedom's drive to hold a Brexit-like referendum in the Netherlands reveals that the time has come to review the European integration project, Moscow-based political analyst Konstantin Voronov told Sputnik. [...]
Russia Can Use Airbase in Iran For as Long as Needed – Iranian Defense Minister
Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehqan said that Russia can use Iran's Hamadan airbase to strike jihadist targets in Syria for as long as needed. Russia can fly jets from Iran's Hamadan airbase to strike jihadist targets in Syria for as long as needed, Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehqan said Saturday. [...]
If Kiev Invokes Martial Law, It Won’t Be Because of Any ‘Russian Threat’
President Petro Poroshenko has warned that Kiev may be forced to introduce martial law if the deterioration of the situation in eastern Ukraine and the standoff with Russia over Crimea continues. Offering their thoughts, Ukrainian political scientists suggested that if Kiev does introduce martial law, it won't be because of any threat from Russia. [...]
What’s Going on? Contradictory Reports Regarding US Nukes on Incirlik Airbase
Contradictory reports spread across the Web regarding the relocation of US nuclear weapons from Incirlik Airbase. Sputnik provides an overview of recent developments around the base. On Monday, the Stimson Center, a Washington DC-based nonprofit think tank, released a report, urging policymakers in the US to remove B61 nuclear bombs from Europe and strengthen conventional forces instead. [...]
Threat Of All Out War With Ukraine As 40,000 Troops Are Posted On Border
The world is moving closer and closer to world war 3 as the West continues to push Russia and Vladimir Putin into a corner. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family /* */ [...]