
Euro could collapse in 18 months, predicts Trump’s pick for EU ambassador
Brexiteer professor Ted Malloch, who is likely to become the United States ambassador to the European Union, has predicted the looming failure of the single European currency. [...]
Russia ribs UK over Trident scandal after ‘ship of shame’ comment about carrier ‘Kuznetsov’
Russia’s Defense Ministry has said UK defense officials were putting on a show by escorting the Russian aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov, while pointing at their own issues in the Royal Navy, such as the infamous Trident situation. [...]
Theresa May cannot trigger Brexit without parliamentary permission, UK Supreme Court rules
Britain’s Supreme Court has ruled Parliament has the right to vote on Article 50 before it is triggered by the prime minister. The decision marks a serious blow for the Conservative government, which had sought to bypass the legislature. [...]
Trident whistleblower tells RT he ‘witnessed 4 unreported missile test failures’
Royal Navy whistleblower William McNeilly leaked details about a number of serious test fire issues aboard Britain’s Trident nuclear submarine fleet a whole year before the June 2016 misfire that sent a missile careening towards the US. [...]
US Attempts to Intervene in South China Sea are ‘Futile.’ Here’s Why
Director of the Center for the South Pacific Institute of International Studies, Shen Shishun, spoke to Sputnik China about the South China Sea and US involvement in the region. “The US has no territorial jurisdiction in the South China Sea and moreover is not a part of this conflict. [...]
Blow to Schengen as Austria Refuses to Re-Open German Border
Austria remains in favor of border controls and an upper limit on refugees, Interior Minister Wolfgang Subotka told German newspaper Die Welt. Having imposed controls at its border with Germany in September 2015 at the height of Europe's migrant crisis, Austria wants to continue with them indefinitely, Interior Minister Wolfgang Subotka told German newspaper Die Welt on Friday. [...]
Unable to Harm Russia With Own Sanctions, US ‘Made EU a Tool in Its Policy’
Former Italian Prime Minister and European Commission ex-president Romano Prodi called on Europe to scrap immediately the anti-Russian sanctions, before US president Donald Trump does it first. [...]
Israel Has No Plans to Impose Sanctions on Russia – Israeli Ambassador to Moscow
Israel will not impose sanctions against Russia, even under US pressure, Israeli Ambassador to Moscow, Harry Koren said Tuesday. "There are no such plans… Israel is very sensitive to the issue of sanctions, because we are threatened every time with sanctions.   [...]
‘Pay Back’ Snowden: Whistleblower’s Lawyers Call on EU States to Offer Asylum
Lawyers for Edward Snowden have once again pushed for the whistleblower to be granted legal protection in the EU, saying that member states should "pay back" the American for uncovering the widespread surveillance practices of the US government. [...]
UK Cover-Up of Trident Missile Failure Continues Amid Demands for Inquiry
Post-Brexit government won't confirm or deny failed 2016 test of nuclear missile, which MPs did not know about when they voted to renew system. The confirmation comes after the British newspaper Sunday Times reported that the British government had covered up the failed launch, briefing Prime Minister Theresa May on the incident but keeping Parliament in the dark before ministers voted to renew [...]
Austrian Women Report Wave of NYE Sex Attacks
Women in several cities have reported sex attacks committed during New Year's Eve celebrations, the Austrian press reports. The number female victims of sex attacks in the Austrian city of Innsbruck has risen to 19 after the parents of several teeenage girls reported the crimes to police, Austrian media reported on Tuesday. [...]
The Utter Stupidity of the New Cold War
It seems so strange, twenty-seven years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, to be living through a new Cold War with (as it happens, capitalist) Russia. The Russian president is attacked by the U.S. political class and media as they never attacked Soviet leaders; he is personally vilified as a corrupt, venal dictator, who arrests or assassinates political opponents and dissident journalists, and [...]
US Intel Agencies Try to Strong-Arm Trump into War With Russia  
Powerful elites are using the credibility of the US Intelligence agencies to demonize Russia and prepare the country for war. This is the real meaning of the “Russia hacking” story which, as yet, has not produced any hard evidence of Russian complicity. [...]
NATO Presence in Europe is Like ‘Spartan Troops in Athens in Ancient Times’
About 1,000 protesters participated on Saturday in a demonstration against NATO bases in the city of Vicenza, located in northeastern Italy. "The problem of the presence of NATO in Italy is a problem felt all around Italy. If you want to have an image of what NATO means in Europe, you have to think about Spartan troops in Athens in ancient times," the journalist told Sputnik. [...]
What May Be Behind Pentagon’s Denial of Providing Daesh Coordinates to Russia
The Russian Aerospace Forces have conducted airstrikes in Syria based on intelligence provided by the US-led coalition, the Russian Defense Ministry reported. The Pentagon later denied that cooperation took place.   [...]
Russian Long-Range Bombers Launch Strikes on Daesh Arms Depots in Deir ez-Zor
Six Russian long-range Tu-22M3 bombers launched airstrikes on Daesh arms and ammunition depots in Syria's Deir ez-Zor, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday.   [...]
Wary of Trump, Fillon Calls for Mending Fences With Russia
“Trump or no Trump, Europe needs to build a defense system of its own,” the center-right presidential candidate, said in an interview with Le Monde. François Fillon wants to make Europe less dependent on the United States and favors the idea of a European-Russian conference to discuss new security provisions in Europe. [...]
Russia, Iran, Turkey agree to establish mechanism to support Syria ceasefire & Geneva talks
Russia, Iran and Turkey have announced they will establish a trilateral mechanism to support the ceasefire in Syria. In a joint statement issued at the end of talks in Astana, they said the Syrian opposition should take part in Geneva peace talks on the issue. [...]
Austrians Count Cost of Losing ‘Paradise Market’ in Russia Due to Sanctions
As Russian producers reap the rewards of import substitution, Austrian exporters are ruing the EU's decision to impose sanctions. Imposing sanctions against Russia was a mistake which has cost Europe as much as Russia, Vienna's former trade ambassador to Moscow Dietmar Fellner told Austria's Kurier newspaper. [...]
#WorstPresidentEver: US Twitter Users Deliver Their Verdict Upon Obama’s Rule
Assessing Barack Obama's legacy some US Twitter users labeled the outgoing politician "the worst president ever" and denounced his attempts to deepen the rift between the United States and Russia. The outgoing US President Barack Obama has taken a last-ditch effort to damage America's relations with Moscow by introducing anti-Russian sanctions over what the US mainstream media called "vote [...]
‘Trump for Europe: New reality check or Brexit with a nuclear warhead?’
How will US-EU relations develop, and what changes could we expect as Donald Trump takes office? RT discussed with some European politicians. The EU’s relationship with Donald Trump will see “a huge shift,” says Beatrix von Storch MEP, deputy leader of the Alternative for Germany party. [...]
NATO Military Build-Up in E Europe: ‘Trump Will Continue Where Obama Stopped’
US President-elect Donald Trump has repeatedly stated that NATO is an obsolete organization since it is not much engaged in fighting terrorism and its members are not contributing enough. In an interview with Sputnik Germany, German politician Tobias Pflueger commented on Trump's statements and his position toward the military alliance. [...]