
China threatens Trump with trade war
Thom talks Trump, trade, and trickle-down economics with economist Richard Wolff. Later on in the program, Thom talks with Alex Lawson of Social Security Works and Jessica Jackson Sloan of #cut50 about Trump’s pick of Steve Bannon to serve as chief White House strategist, how Democrats can win over working-class voters, and whether Trump could actually stage a fascist takeover of our democracy. [...]
Petition to ban Trump state visit gathers over 750k names, smashes debate quota
An online petition to prevent US President Donald Trump making an official state visit to the UK has generated enough signatures to warrant it being considered for debate in parliament. [...]
‘No legitimate military objectives’: UN panel finds Saudi strikes in Yemen may amount to war crimes
An expert UN panel investigating ten separate airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen - in which at least 292 civilians died - has found that most were the result of an ‘ineffective targeting process’ or deliberate attacks on peaceful targets.   [...]
Bavarian Prime Minister Calls for Lifting Anti-Russia Sanctions in 2017
Bavarian prime minister said that the sanctions imposed on Russia should be lifted before the end of 2017. Horst Seehofer, the prime minister of Germany's state of Bavaria, said on Sunday that the sanctions imposed on Russia should be lifted before the end of 2017 and Moscow should return to the Group of Eight (G8) that brings together world’s largest economies. [...]
Trump’s Multi-Billion Dollar Wall to Have ‘Modest Impact on US Border Security’
US border security won't get a significant boost if a wall is built along the country's southern land border, Mark Jones, chair in Latin American Studies and the Director of the Master of Global Affairs Program at Rice University in Texas, told Sputnik. [...]
Democrat Congresswoman Returns From Syria with Proof Obama Funded ISIS, Exposes It LIVE on CNN
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard appeared on CNN after finding facts that she believes proves Obama’s involvement in funding ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Gabbard went to Syria, then was interviewed by CNN afterward with Jake Tapper where she unloaded with information that Tapper didn’t want to hear. Tulsi Gabba [...]
Iraqi MPs urge punitive measures against US in return for Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’
The Iraq parliament want measures to be taken in response to President Trump’s executive order banning entry to the US to citizens of seven Muslim countries. Iraqis consider the measure “unfair,” and a panel has asked the government to “reciprocate.” [...]
Russia develops super-heavy ground-effect civilian transport
A civilian transport vehicle capable of hauling up to 500 tons of cargo across oceans is in the early stages of development in Russia. The vehicle would fly just meters over the surface to utilize so-called ground effect for better fuel efficiency. A ground-effect vehicle is a combination of a maritime vessel and an aircraft. [...]
‘Trump reached out to Moscow despite virtually entire Washington in opposition’
Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin’s first telephone conversation indicates a new chapter will be opened in US-Russia relations, as, by reaching out to Moscow, the US leader has shown he’s capable of overriding internal opposition, Daniel McAdams told RT. [...]
‘Hard to expect a better start’: Russian lawmakers & economists optimistic after Putin-Trump call
Hopes of a looming thaw in Russia-US relations seemed to be a prevailing mood among Russian officials following the phone conversation between presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, with many seeing it as a significant shift from the Obama administration’s rhetoric and intransigence. [...]
Note to President Trump: Torture and Syrian ‘Safe Zones’ are Wrong
US President Donald Trump continues the blizzard of activity with which he has begun his Presidency with pronouncements that the practice known as 'waterboarding' works, and that he wants to see 'safe zones' established for refugees within Syria. [...]
How Trump’s Safe Zones May Help Syrian Armed Rebels to Catch a Second Wind
US President Donald Trump's idea to build safe zones in Syria has provoked mixed emotions in Ankara. Speaking to Sputnik, Turkish security analyst Dr. Nihat Ali Ozcan suggested that the introduction of safe zones in Syria would tip the balance in favor of the Syrian armed opposition. [...]
Iraqi forces discover ISIS chemical weapons arsenal in Mosul
French and Iraqi forces have uncovered a mustard agent and missiles in an area formerly controlled by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) during a sweep of eastern Mosul. The mustard agent was found in an abandoned storage area near the historic Nineveh ruins, AP reported, hoping to avoid attracting attention from locals [...]
Putin & Trump signal new Russia-US partnership with 1st phone call on ISIS, trade & Ukraine
In their first phone conversation that lasted nearly an hour, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the new US President Donald Trump have outlined their intent to cooperate on issues ranging from defeating Islamic State to mending bilateral economic ties. [...]
40% of refugees in Austria put religion above law – study
A new study from the Austrian Academy of Sciences shows that 40 percent of refugees in Austria believe religious commandments take precedence over the nation’s laws, prompting the country’s foreign minister to push for a rigorous new integration package. [...]
First Train Carries Passengers Through Terrorist-Free Aleppo (VIDEO)
The video shows a passenger train making its first journey through the city of Aleppo for the first time in four and a half years. The war had left the railway service disrupted. However, as the city is returning to normal life, the train carried its first passengers through the newly liberated Aleppo. [...]
First-Rate MiG-35 Multirole Jetfighter to Join Russia’s Fleet
The MiG-35 multirole jetfighter fully meets the demands of modern-day aerial combat and will be a welcome addition to Russia’s fleet of light frontline fighters, the Russian Airspace Forces’ former deputy commander, Col. Gen. Nikolai Antoshkin told RIA. [...]
Syrian Draft Constitution Proposed by Russia Envisages Presidential Rights
Russian constitutional proposals for Syria that were presented to the opposition at the Astana talks envisage that the president is elected for seven years and for no more than two consecutive terms, the document obtained by Sputnik, reads. [...]
Why Russia Conducts Anti-Daesh Airstrikes in Deir ez-Zor
Moscow's aerial operation in Deir ez-Zor will help to prevent militants from overrunning the Syrian Arab Army base and the key city in eastern Syria in the short term, but the operation will have an impact on other parts of the country, particularly the north, analysts told Sputnik. [...]
Game Change: Syria, Interrupted
The recapture of Aleppo by the Syrian Arab Army and its allies marks a turning point not only in the conflict in Syria, but also in the dynamic of international conflict. For the first time since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the rolling imperial engine of regime change via American-led military intervention has been stopped in its tracks. [...]
RT critics admit promotion of Russian media threat is a money racket
Regular readers of RT Editorial will know this column has provided evidence of how think tanks, which are increasingly indivisible from lobby groups, faithfully promote the specific agendas of their paymasters regardless of their stated high-minded missions. [...]
‘Obsolete & unnecessary’: Germany to scrap law restricting insults against foreign heads of state
Germany is to get rid of the lèse-majesté law protecting heads of state or government from being publicly offended. The decision came after last spring the law was evoked by Turkish President Erdogan who tried to sue a German comedian for a satirical poem he found too insulting. [...]