
Guest Column from Germany — America Frightens Us
Guest Column from Germany -- America Frightens Us Dear Friends: I am pleased to be able to share with you this revealing article written for our website by the editor of an important website in Germany. Washington’s lies echoed by the presstitute media that serves Washington are destroying Washington’s credibility and that of the Western media among Europeans, especially Germans who unde [...]
Washington Has Initiated Military Conflict With Russia
Russia has provided evidence that Washington is collaborating with ISIS in attack on Russian forces. In one Washington-directed attack, ISIS tried to capture 29 Russian military policemen. However, Russian special forces entered the fray, and the result was spectacular losses for ISIS. In another Washington-directed attack, Russian General Valery Asapov and two Russian colonels were killed in an [...]
Black Hawk Down II? Trump backs Afghanistan parody as Mattis takes fire
Don’t laugh or adjust your sets. Donald Trump really is going ahead with a new military campaign in Afghanistan, despite an army of experts telling him it will only worsen matters. All he needs now is a Hollywood scriptwriter and Alec Baldwin. [...]
Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Responds to Merkel’s Words on Crimea
The Russian Foreign Ministry's spokeswoman commented Monday on German Chancellor Angela Merkel's statement comparing Crimea's reunification with Russia to the German reunification. Russian Foreign Ministry's spokeswoman Maria Zakharova commented Monday on German Chancellor Angela Merkel's statement comparing Crimea's reunification with Russia to the German reunification, joking that it might [...]
UN Urges Spain to Respect Democratic Rights of Catalonia
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights urged Spain to observe the rights of Catalans amid reports on detentions and searches in numerous public agencies, including the local government ahead of the region's independence referendum. [...]
Ukraine’s Chief Military Psychiatrist Fired After Uncovering Horrifying Secret
Ukraine's Defense Ministry has sacked chief military psychiatrist Oleh Druz, who told lawmakers that 93% of veterans from the conflict in the country's east need treatment for mental health issues. Radio Sputnik contributor Vladimir Filippov says Druz's remarks, and Kiev's reaction, are a testament to the senselessness of the country's civil war. [...]
How One American Ex-Cop and Whistleblower Found Refuge in Russia
For six years, John Mark Dougan was an officer with the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office. Having witnessed widespread corruption, blackmail and nepotism, he resigned and created a website where people could post evidence of police misconduct. In 2016, he fled to Russia for fear of his life. [...]
Russian military defies constant shelling to build bridge across Euphrates in Syria (VIDEO)
Russian military personnel have built a bridge across the Euphrates River, not far from the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor, in less than 48 hours despite coming under constant shelling, a Ministry of Defense official said. [...]
Rise of Political Right in Germany Spurs Structural Reform Expectations
The Alternative for Germany (AfD) was triumphant in this past weekend’s election, supporting the expectations of economic reform, and a rebalancing in the nation’s domestic and foreign policies. Kristian Rouz – After the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party won a surprising 13.5 percent of the vote in this past weekend’s general election, expectations of structural changes in the Ge [...]
The Boeing-Bombardier Feud: ‘Rich of US to Accuse Canada of Subsidizing’
The British Prime Minister Theresa May has arrived in Canada on Monday, September 18, with the row between Boeing and Bombardier on her agenda. Sputnik spoke to an expert who said the dispute could "escalate." Boeing claims huge Canadian government subsidies allowed them to sell a new fleet of planes at substantially less than the market price. [...]
US Defenseless Against Ballistic Missiles as Trump Threatens to Destroy N Korea
On Tuesday, US President Donald Trump threatened to "totally destroy" North Korea if Pyongyang does not stop its nuclear and missile tests. In fact, the US missile defense system is incapable of shooting down North Korean missiles, according to American expert on nuclear weapons Joe Cirincione. [...]
US special ops forces & hardware spotted at ISIS positions north of Deir ez-Zor – Russian MoD
The Russian Ministry of Defense has released aerial images which they say show US Army special forces equipment north of the town of Deir er-Zor, where ISIS militants are deployed. US Army special units provide free passage for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) through the battle formations of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists, the ministry said in a statement.   [...]
US Cannot Shoot Down DPRK Missiles: Global Defense Experts
The US State Department stated on Friday that the country’s military defense networks will shoot down a North Korean ballistic missile if it flies over the island territory of Guam, but experts in the field have claimed that the Pentagon is flat-out wrong. [...]
‘Kiev is afraid to hear truth’ – ex-Crimean prosecutor ready to testify against Ukrainian offiсials
Russian MP and former chief prosecutor of Crimea, Natalya Poklonskaya, has said she is ready to testify in court on the events of 2013-2014 in Ukraine, which she called “the assassination” of the country by its current leaders. Poklonskaya was commenting in Moscow on the ruling of a Kiev court that allowed Ukrainian prosecutors to continue her trial in absentia. [...]
Turks boast that Russian S-400 SAMs can take out American B-52s, F-22s and Tomahawks
Surprising as it may be to the US, their staunch NATO ally Turkey is listing the American-made warplanes and missiles it says are vulnerable to the Russian-made S-400 SAMs it has just bought. An infographic published on Wednesday by the state-run Turkish news agency Anadolu details the components of an S-400 battalion and the system’s capabilities. Half of the picture shows aircraft the system [...]
Need for Speed: China Revives World’s Fastest Bullet Trains
China raised the maximum speed of its popular Beijing-Shanghai bullet trains up to 350 kph Tuesday, following years of restrictions amid safety concerns. China's Fuxings have once again become the world's fastest trains with the journey between Beijing and Shanghai being reduced from 5 hours and 45 minutes to 4 hours and 28 minutes. [...]
US to Lose ‘Economic War’ Against China Amid Loss of Global Leadership
The United States dare not enter a trade war with China because it would certainly lose as it has already lost global economic, manufacturing and purchasing power leadership, analysts told Sputnik. [...]
‘Moment of triumph’: Deir ez-Zor governor speaks about his city’s liberation from ISIS (VIDEO)
The advances of the Syrian army that resulted in the lifting of the three-year siege of Deir ez-Zor marked a real "peak of excitement" both for civilians and the troops, its governor has told RT. Islamic State terrorists resisted harshly to not give access to the city, which was "suffering in darkness." [...]
Putin Slams American Establishment for Lack of Political Culture
Russian President Vladimir Putin commented on the recent closure and searches of Russian diplomatic facilities in the United States. Putin blamed the American establishment for a lack of political culture regarding the situation with the Russian diplomatic facilities in the US, saying that Moscow has the right to decide whether to cut the US mission by 155 employees for full parity, but will not d [...]
Max Keiser Episode 1118
In this special double-header episode, Max and Stacy discuss Germany repatriating €24 billion worth of gold from New York and the US administration finally realizing it is already at economic war with China. They also discuss 'enlightened' Silicon Valley sorts who 'feel' they are inclusive despite the data proving they are not. [...]
Putin Calls Out US Folly
Speaking at the BRICS summit this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin deplored the “low political culture” of American leaders. "It is difficult to dialogue with such people," said Putin, adding: "You can do nothing about it." Less diplomatically, what the Russian president was lamenting is this: the incorrigible stupidity of US leaders. [...]
Can the BRICS hold back US war with North Korea?
As Russia and its BRICS partners convene this week, the organization faces a momentous test of its global influence: can it hold the line and insist on a diplomatic solution to the alarming US standoff with North Korea? [...]