
WATCH: Joe Biden Says Europe ‘Wanted No Part of the Sanctions on Russia’
A video has emerged of former American Vice President Joe Biden admitting that the US had to strong-arm its European partners into imposing economic sanctions on Moscow following the Crimean referendum in 2014. The said restrictions at the time led to retaliatory measures from Moscow, which have in turn considerably damaged the bloc's economy. [...]
Do We Really Want Nuclear War with Russia?
From the Archive: With Moscow saying that U.S. proposals in its new Nuclear Posture Review to develop “tactical” nukes are “confrontational” and “anti-Russian,” we republish a 2016 article by Robert Parry. Through an endless barrage of ugly propaganda, the U.S. government and the mainstream American press have put the world on course for a potential nuclear showdown with Russia, an exi [...]
Recipe Concocted for Perpetual War Is a Bitter One
Perpetual war is leading to a host of societal ills, yet debates on war and peace are almost entirely absent from public discourse, Robert Wing and Coleen Rowley observe. Last October marked the 16th anniversary of our unending war – or military occupation – in Afghanistan, the longest conflict on foreign soil in U.S. history. [...]
It flies, and it snoops: Norway’s pricey F-35s caught sending ‘sensitive data’ to US
Norway surprised to discover its new fleet of F-35 fighter jets relay 'sensitive data' to US-manufacturer Lockheed Martin. The Royal Norwegian Air Force recently received the first three of the 40 F-35 fighter jets it ordered from Lockheed Martin. [...]
German Lawmakers Aim to Send a Signal of Readiness for Cooperation with Russia
SIMFEROPOL (Sputnik) - German lawmakers, who arrived in Crimea with a visit on Saturday, want to send a signal of greater cooperation possibilities with Russia, a member of the delegation said. "We want to send a special signal by this visit. Because we consider joint fruitful coexistence with Russia [...]
Russia must find out where Syrian militants got MANPADS that downed Su-25 – MPs
Russian lawmakers have called for a thorough investigation on the origins of the man-portable missile launcher that was likely used by militants in Syria to shoot down a Russian fighter jet before killing the pilot in a firefight. "Certainly, we will investigate, including a great many things: [...]
2017 NDAA ups aid to Ukraine, gives arms to Syrian rebels & lets Trump sanction the world
Congress has authorized $618.7 billion for the 2017 military budget. The bill ups aid to Ukraine by $50 million and allows the transfer of missiles to Syrian rebels. However, it omits controversial provisions about drafting women or religious exemptions for contractors. [...]
The F-35 Fiasco: Prized Fighter Jets Catch Norway Napping
So far, the story of the US F-35 fighter aircraft in Norway has been a drama of epic proportions. Soon after the first jets landed on Norwegian soil, it was discovered that the expensive warplanes designed to be the backbone of Norway's defense lack adequate protection and will have to be stored in tents for lack of hangars. [...]
Nord Stream 2 to Squeeze Poland Out of European Gas Market
Germany has allowed Russia’s Gazprom to build and operate the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in the country’s territorial waters. The decision comes as bad news for Poland, which fears Nord Stream 2 would will increase Europe’s dependence on imported Russian gas. [...]
Moscow Disappointed by Content of New US Nuclear Doctrine
The Russian Foreign Ministry has commented on the Nuclear Posture Review, issued by the United States on February 2, naming Russia, North Korea, Iran and China as potential threats to the US national security. "The content of the new nuclear doctrine (the so-called Nuclear Posture Review) released by the United States on February 2 has provoked our deep disappointment. [...]
Modern imperialism goes on trial, and is found guilty
Imperialism – which today is usually referred to by the euphemism ‘liberal interventionism’ – went on Trial at the Waterside Theatre in Derry, Northern Ireland this week. Five passionate and well-informed speakers, who included the former British Ambassador to Syria Peter Ford, detailed the carnage and chaos that has been unleashed around the globe by the aggressive, warmongering policies [...]
US rejects Moscow-proposed UN mechanism to probe Syria chemical attacks based on facts
The US has firmly rejected a Russian-drafted Security Council resolution seeking to establish an objective investigative mechanism to probe all allegations of chemical attacks in Syria “based on impeccable and irrefutable data.” [...]
US has no evidence of sarin use by Syrian govt, still concerned about Assad – Mattis
Washington has no evidence that the chemical agent sarin has ever been used by the Syrian government, Pentagon chief James Mattis has admitted. It did not stop him from still being concerned about Assad, though. "We do not have evidence of it,” the US Defense Secretary told journalists, referring to the alleged use of sarin nerve agent by Syrian government forces. [...]
Who is using chlorine as a chemical weapon in Syria?
Former Scotland Yard detective Charles Shoebridge explains why claims of chlorine attacks in Syria should be treated with caution. The alleged use of chlorine as a weapon in Syria is back in the news in the US and UK, with fresh incidents reported and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson taking the opportunity within the last few days to condemn Syrian President Bashar Assad over the issue. [...]
How to Survive at Minus 60 Celsius (-76°F): Manual From Russia’s Coldest Region (PHOTOS)
Even when temperatures drop below -60 degrees Celsius (-76 degrees Fahrenheit), life in Yakutia doesn’t stop. Check out these life hacks, that help local people continue their lives as normal during the notoriously severe Siberian winters. [...]
US to Take Back Heavy Arms Supplied to Kurdish YPG – Reports
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Washington confirmed its commitment to take back the heavy weapons it had supplied to Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) in Syria but did not set a time frame for the process, a US official told Turkish media following a high-level meeting in Ankara. [...]
‘Double standards’: Kurds slam US for not fighting ‘Turkish occupation’ of Afrin (VIDEO)
As Kurdish fighters look to the US to help in the fight against Turkish troops in Manbij, some are accusing Washington of double standards after it did nothing to protect Afrin from “Turkish occupation.” “With the coalition, especially the US forces, we saw some double standards,” a Kurdish military officer by the name of Khalil told RT’s Ruptly agency. [...]
China overtakes US as world’s largest economy
The Chinese economy just pushed past the US to become the world’s largest economy (at least according to purchasing power parity). Although long expected by many experts, the Asian powerhouse’s snatching of the top spot has taken some by surprise. Euro Pacific Capital President Peter Schiff speaks with RT’s Ben Swann on why the US is now number two. China overtakes US as world's large [...]
Russia sanctions a ‘dead horse,’ seriously damaged economy – German regional heads
Anti-Russian sanctions have achieved nothing other than placing a significant burden on the German economy, prime ministers of two German federal states have argued, calling on fellow regional leaders to demand their lifting. [...]
Turkey-Backed Syrian Rebels Reportedly Open Fire at US Troops
As Ankara and Syrian rebels it backs oppose Kurdish-led opposition forces fighting against Daesh terrorists with the US military support in the country, media reports emerged that US servicemen came under fire from a group of Turkey-backed rebels. [...]
Chinese State Media Says US Government Shutdown Lays Bare ‘Chronic Flaws’
On Saturday, the US federal government shut down due to a lack of funding after Democrats in the Senate prevented Republicans from passing the spending bill. The US government shutdown raises questions about the viability and legitimacy of America’s political system, Chinese state media has reported. [...]
Turkish Foreign Minister Urges Immediate US Withdrawal From Syria’s Manbij
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has stated that the United States should take concrete steps to prove the end of support for Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), rather than rhetoric. [...]