
US May Sanction Turkey Following Purchase of Russian S-400 Systems – Reports
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Turkey's upcoming purchase of S-400 air defense missiles systems from Russia could trigger US secondary sanctions against Ankara, a new report on Washington’s relations with Ankara from the Turkish Heritage Organization said. [...]
Russia ‘no threat,’ NATO expansion ‘dilutes effectiveness’ of bloc – ex-US defense secretary to RT
NATO’s rapid expansion has not necessarily strengthened the alliance and the US should rethink its hostility towards Russia, former US Secretary of Defense William Perry said on RT’s SophieCo program. [...]
Rock legend Brian May on fighting money with arts & the largest US attack on Syrian Forces (E573)
In this episode, we speak to Professor Mohammad Marandi from the University of Tehran ahead of the Iran-Turkey-Russia trilateral in Istanbul, which seeks to defeat British-backed atrocities in the Middle East. Britain’s former ambassador in Damascus on whether the US and the UK are using chemical attack allegations to justify breaches of the UN Charter. Plus, rock guitar legend Brian May on how [...]
Syria, Iran Lash Out at US for Allegedly Supporting Daesh
Permanent Syrian envoy to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari has emphasized that the US presence in his country runs counter to a UN Security Council resolution which stipulates preserving Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity. [...]
‘What We Are Seeing is the Collapse of the Attempt to Destroy Syria’ – Analyst
Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that Israel would not accept any restrictions in Syria. Radio Sputnik discussed the isssue with ​​​Dr Tim Anderson, Australian analyst, Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney, author of the 'Dirty War on Syria'. [...]
German Security Report: US Poses More Danger Than Russia
"The Security Report 2018" has cited ordinary Germans as saying that Russia is a less serious threat to world peace than the US and apparently it's all due to Donald Trump, claim the authors of the report, which also shows a decline in confidence in the German army. [...]
WATCH: Russia Tests New Anti-Missile System
Responding to NATO’s muscle flexing in Eastern Europe and the Baltics, which Moscow sees as a threat, Russia is upgrading its missile defenses with new and more accurate interceptors. The Russian military has successfully tested a new interceptor missile of for its A-135 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) system at a testing range in in Kazakhstan. [...]
Tillerson Has ‘Mission Impossible’ in Mid East – Academic
On his five-day Mideast trip US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is travelling through states dissatisfied with Donald Trump's foreign policy which makes his tour a "mission impossible," Joseph Camilleri, Emeritus Professor at La Trobe University in Melbourne, and fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences, has told Radio Sputnik. [...]
WATCH: Alleged Israeli Weapons and Ammunition Found in Deir Ez-Zor, Syria
Syrian government forces discovered warehouses stocked with weapons and ammunition, including arms produced in Israel, in Deir Ez-Zor, which had been liberated from the terrorist group Daesh (ISIS) on February 14. A day later, the Syrian state news agency released footage of the weapons. [...]
US Military Scared of Russia’s New Cruise Missiles
Lori Robinson, head of US North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), said during Senate testimony that the US military is concerned about the new generation of Russian cruise missiles. Russia has prioritized the development of advanced cruise missiles capable of holding targets within North America at risk from distances not previously seen," Robinson said before the Senate Armed Serv [...]
ISIS is almost gone but the fighting continues: Who’s still in Syria?
The battle against Islamic State in Syria may be nearing its end, but the conflict in this war-torn country seems far from over. Competing factions and old rivalries have created a complicated, uncertain future for Syria. With so many different warring parties wrestling for control of Syria’s fate, it seems prudent to review the conflict’s major actors – and where their allegiances lie. [...]
Syrian Army Will Down Any Jet That Launches an Assault – Damascus
During a press conference, Fayssal Mikdad, Syria's Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, asserted that the USA aimed to prolong the war in the country. The diplomat called on Arabs and Kurds in northern Syria to “unite and fight back at Turkish forces,” warning the Western countries against carrying out airstrikes on Syria. [...]
The Growler’s Triumph: Russian missile system invades the market
With Qatar now getting in line to buy Russian S-400 missile systems, the list interested customers keeps growing. The system’s superior capabilities have been catching eyes even in markets that traditionally look Westward. Five nations have now been confirmed to be in various stages of negotiation to buy the S-400 Triumf, or the SA-21 Growler as it is known by NATO. [...]
‘Great Information War’ Against Russia Begins to Crumble – Politician
Europeans are becoming increasingly discontent over the issue of anti-Russian sanctions and distorted Crimea narrative, Vadim Kolesnichenko, the chairman of the presidium of the Internal Council of Russian Compatriots, has told Sputnik, commenting on the ongoing visit of German delegation to the peninsula. [...]
EXCLUSIVE: ‘Shoot at All Targets on Maidan’: New Evidence of Georgian Snipers
On February 20, 2014, unknown snipers shot at people gathered on Kiev’s central Maidan square killing 49 protesters and four police officers. Local opposition leaders, as well as US and EU representatives, were quick to point a finger at the "regime of Viktor Yanukovych." [...]
Russian banks ready to switch off SWIFT – official
Russian financial institutions and firms are ready to work without SWIFT's interbank cash transfer services, according to Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. “Certainly, it is unpleasant, as it will prove a stumbling block for companies and banks, and will slow down work. It will be inevitable to deploy some aged technologies for information transfer and calculations. [...]
Koreas unite for Olympics, while Washington bangs drums of war
At a time of unprecedented goodwill between Seoul and Pyongyang over the Winter Olympics, the US has decided to double down on its inflammatory rhetoric, undermining a fragile thaw on the Korean Peninsula. On the eve of the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, one would be forgiven for temporarily forgetting history’s bitter divisions on the Korean Peninsula. [...]
Here’s what war with North Korea would look like
A full-blown war with North Korea wouldn’t be as bad as you think. It would be much, much worse. Late last September, I moderated a discussion about North Korea with retired Navy Adm. James Stavridis, whose 37-year military career included a stint running NATO, and Michèle Flournoy, the No. 3 official at the Pentagon during the Obama administration, who has helped shape US policy toward North K [...]
German Police Association Advocates Total Legalization of Cannabis
The group is calling for a rational drug policy based on promoting responsible cannabis use, rather than repression and arrest. The Confederation of German Criminal Officers (BDK) has called for the legalization of cannabis, saying that its ban makes no sense. "The prohibition of cannabis has historically been arbitrary and until today it has been neither intelligent, nor purposeful," [...]
Stephen Hawking challenges Jeremy Hunt at High Court over NHS ‘privatization’
Stephen Hawking is backing a group of campaigners in bringing Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt to the High Court over a new policy which they claim will lead to the privatization of the NHS. The acclaimed physicist is joining campaigners in challenging the health secretary over his introduction of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), partnership organizations between hospitals, care organizations an [...]
‘International Health Service’: Is Trump taking cues from Farage in his NHS criticism?
US President Donald Trump attacked Britain’s “broke” National Health Service (NHS) in a tweet that came just minutes after Brexiteer Nigel Farage appeared on Fox News to blame immigrants for stretched UK health services. [...]
Lebanon looks to Hezbollah to resolve internal clashes, as Israel’s war threats reach fever pitch
Lebanon is a pressure cooker which could blow at any moment, but don’t worry about confused US policy. Israel’s threats to invade are not irking the Lebanese, but many wish Hezbollah would end a local Shiite-Christian spat. [...]