
Most People Don’t Even Realize What’s Coming
Will you get lost in the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Most people I asked don't even know what that is, but it's happening all around us right now. This system is about technological evolution... evolving us. Please support our work on Patreon, read our goals here: Most People Don't Even Realize What's Coming How to Defeat the System Yourself [...]
Tip of the Iceberg: Extent of #Vault7 Leak ‘Shocking’, More to Come
The extent of WikiLeaks' latest exposure is surprising and shocking, Australian researcher David Glance told Radio Sputnik, suggesting that the leak has dealt a heavy blow to both the CIA's image and US national security. Meanwhile, WikiLeaks signals that it has released less than one percent of its damning Vault 7. [...]
‘Decisive and Tremendous Win’ for Net Neutrality as DC Court Upholds Rules
In a huge win for internet freedom, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday ruled that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was within its jurisdiction to enact sweeping net neutrality regulations last year.That means the internet will remain a public service classified under Title II of the Communications Act—upholding the FCC's power to ensure that all carriers, including mobile an [...]
The Smartphone App Cops Don’t Want You To Have
One user described it as "a revolutionary tool for change in our society." Another called it "badass" and Barry Cooper from who is a former decorated police detective called it "the new 911 but safer." Other users described it as “straight out of some cyberpunk fiction” and one user said “I would definitely use this before calling a cop!”  The accolades keep coming a [...]
Censorship Around the World Still at High Levels
Most people believe that we are living in a more enlightened age of increasing press freedom, but the latest censorship reports tell a different story. Censorship is still a big issue around the world. Censorship remains at high levels in many countries, despite the fact that we tend to think we live in a world without that much of it (at least in the so-called “enlightened and developed West [...]
UN panel calls on UK and Sweden to end Julian Assange’s ‘deprivation of liberty’
UN working group says WikiLeaks founder should be offered compensation for being confined to Ecuadorian embassy. The WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been arbitrarily detained by the UK and Sweden for more than five years and should be released immediately with compensation, according to a United Nations report. [...]
Freeing Julian Assange: the Final Chapter
One of the epic miscarriages of justice of our time is unravelling. The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention — — the international tribunal that adjudicates and decides whether governments comply with their human rights obligations — has ruled that Julian Assange has been detained unlawfully by Britain and Sweden. [...]
‘Unacceptable nuisance’: German court rules Facebook ‘friend finder’ illegal
A German court has ruled Facebook’s ‘friend finder’ function, which allows the social network to market services to non-users, illegal. The court said the promotion is “intrusive” and that Facebook had not adequately informed its members about it. [...]
Defending Digital Privacy, 200+ Groups & Experts Decry Global Attack on Encryption
A coalition of cyber activists and advocacy groups from 42 countries on Monday released a letter defending encryption and calling on governments to end efforts at undermining such digital privacy tools. A coalition of cyber activists and advocacy groups from 42 countries on Monday released a letter defending encryption and calling on governments to end efforts at undermining such digital privac [...]
Congress Reportedly Slipping CISA Spy Bill Into Must-Pass Omnibus
Digital rights groups are sounding the alarm after sources reportedly confirmed on Monday that the controversial cyber-surveillance bill formerly known as CISA has been slipped into the "must-pass" omnibus spending bill that Congress is expected to vote on later this week. [...]
Awakened Humanity is Thankfully Breaking Free From Mass Media
It’s been said, sometimes you don’t appreciate what you have until it’s taken away. So today, especially in light of the mayhem and confusion borne of continuous mass lies and deception from mainstream media, I am thankfully awake. Anyone who is awakened to the worldwide horrors the US, ISIS and their allies are imposing on the rest of humanity knows that the thing that makes these horror [...]
Belgium gives Facebook 48 hours to stop tracking non-users or pay €250K per day
A Belgian court has given Facebook 48 hours to stop tracking the online activities of non-Facebook users in Belgium unless they have their explicit consent or face a daily fine of €250,000. The internet giant has pledged to appeal the decision. [...]
Sexually transmitted infections spread by dating apps, doctor warns
Dating apps are causing a massive rise in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among the heterosexual population, a health expert has claimed. Dr Peter Greenhouse warned the popularity of dating apps such as Tinder and Happn could have disastrous consequences, including an "explosion of HIV." [...]
US island residents bond together to invent own internet service
In a true show of community spirit, an American island too far from the mainland came together as one to build their own internet service powered by radios in trees. Orcas Island off Washington State has been transformed by its people’s inventiveness. [...]
Government ‘backdoors’ to bypass encryption will make them vulnerable to attacks – industry experts
At a congressional hearing on Wednesday, witnesses said creating a way to grant authorities access to encrypted communications to aid in criminal probes will inevitably by exploited by adversaries. Amid a growing reliance within the tech industry to enable [...]
German govt accused of lying to parliament about NSA spying
Angela Merkel's government has been accused of lying to the country's parliament after it was alleged that it knew German spies were conducting economic espionage for the NSA. Revelations show that some spooks were even spying on German companies. Germany’s interior minister, Thomas de Maiziere, who is a close ally of Chancellor Merkel denied on Wednesday that he had lied to parliament about [...]
Austrian 9/11 cake protesting government coalition causes uproar on social media
An owner of a patisserie in Vienna has shown his dissatisfaction with the Austrian governing coalition by creating a sugary sculpture representing the 9/11 terror attacks, infuriating Austrians. Thomas Kienbauer, the owner of the Alexander patisserie in Vienna, created an unusual cake that depicts the New York twin towers in the colors of the Social Democrats (SPÖ) and the conservative People [...]
NSA Firefoxed: Mozilla team-up with Tor to improve internet privacy
The internet browser Mozilla is teaming up with Tor to give internet users greater security online. The new Polaris project is designed to combat internet censorship and make NSA like intrusion's a thing of the past. Edward Snowden’s revelations concerning the extent of the National Security Agency’s spying on the general public, hit computer and internet enthusiasts hard. A poll conducted [...]
Putin: Russia won’t limit access to internet
At a meeting with Russia's Security Council, President Vladimir Putin has said the problem of the country's 'informational space' security is of top priority, but assured the state has no intentions of limiting access to the web. "We do not intend to limit access to the web, put it under total control, make the internet more governmentalized. [...]
Assange sneaks into US conference… as full-body 3D hologram! (VIDEO)
ulian Assange has transcended the confinement of his Ecuadorian embassy asylum to attend the 2014 Nantucket Project – as a hologram. In his ghostly entirety Assange was speaking about censorship, control and manipulation of history. Speaking with filmmaker Eugene Jarecki, Assange closed the 2014 event, sharing his thoughts on importance of research and free access to information, and risks of [...]
CIA puts on hold all spying operations in Western Europe
The CIA's European Division has halted its operations in Western Europe in response to several spying scandals in Germany and the continent's negative reaction to the revelations of spying by the National Security Agency on European leaders and citizens. The stand-down order has been in effect for two months. [...]
Governments spy on journalists with weaponized malware – WikiLeaks
Journalists and dissidents are under the microscope of intelligence agencies, Wikileaks revealed in its fourth SpyFiles series. A German software company that produces computer intrusion systems has supplied many secret agencies worldwide. The weaponized surveillance malware, popular among intelligence agencies for spying on “journalists, activists and political dissidents,” is produced by [...]