
Bill Gates Says He Warned Donald Trump of Threat of Pandemic Back in 2016, ‘Feels Terrible’ Now
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has already committed hundreds of millions of dollars to the global fight against the coronavirus pandemic, while its co-founder, and one of the world’s wealthiest people, Bill Gates was cautioning the public about the dangers of infectious diseases as early as 2015. [...]
WHO Bashes German Media for Claim Xi Jinping ‘Pressured’ Tedros Adhanom to Withhold COVID-19 Info
China has faced numerous accusations over its handling of the initial COVID-19 outbreak from US officials, including President Donald Trump who claims that the virus escaped from a Chinese laboratory and that Beijing was hiding the true information about the state of the outbreak in its early stages. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has vehemently denied a report by the German magazine Der Spie [...]
COVID-19 Live Updates: US Unemployment Rate to Get Worse, Treasury Says 🦠
The global death toll from the pandemic is nearing 280,000, with the United States and Great Britain topping the list of the worst-hit countries. At the same time, China has reported a plunge in new cases of the infection and no fatalities from the virus over the last several weeks. There are over 4,000,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus globally, according to Johns Hopkins Universit [...]
Autopsies Reveal ‘Stunning’ Virus News 🦠
First known US coronavirus deaths occurred far earlier than previously thought. Up until recently, the first COVID-19 death in the US was thought to have occurred in Washington state on Feb. 29. But autopsies have revealed two earlier coronavirus deaths in California, one on Feb. 6 and the other on Feb. 17, the AP reports. The San Francisco Chronicle calls it "a stunning discovery" that radically [...]
Five Eyes spies have NO EVIDENCE that coronavirus emerged from Wuhan lab, report suggests in U-turn from previous leaks
There is no evidence to substantiate the Trump administration’s claims that Covid-19 came from a Chinese laboratory, according to intelligence sources, raising questions about a leaked dossier blaming Beijing for the pandemic.  Sources that spoke to the Guardian said that a 15-page dossier which accused China of carrying out a cover-up to hide its role in the global health crisis was not based [...]
US should have spent half its military budget on healthcare system instead of missiles, ‘ex-economic hitman’ Perkins tells RT
The Covid-19 pandemic should be a rallying call to change an economic system that spends billions each year on the tools of war but can't produce a decent healthcare system, bestselling author John Perkins told RT. Perkins is best known for his book 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man,' in which he describes how American corporate elites plunder other nations to enrich themselves. [...]
Cuomo: The Coronavirus That Came To New York 🎞️
Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) argued the coronavirus that hit New York state did not come from China but Europe, probably Italy he said. At his Friday coronavirus press briefing, Cuomo said President Trump's China travel ban was too late and the horse had long left the barn. "Researchers now find and they report in some newspapers, the virus was spreading wildly in Italy in February and there was an [...]
‘What’s the US hiding?’ Beijing slams Washington’s Covid-19 response & ‘desperate’ attempts to pin blame on China
Beijing has called on Washington to address the concerns of its own citizens about the US response to the Covid-19 pandemic, while condemning American politicians for shifting blame for the crisis squarely onto China’s shoulders. Asked to comment on a series of American media reports on the US government’s slow and often inept response to the health crisis on Monday, Foreign Ministry spokesman [...]
The Covid-19 pandemic exposes deep flaws in America’s broken healthcare system
The coronavirus crisis is demonstrating why it’s time we replaced a system that exists purely for profits with one that puts public health first. When it comes to the number of Covid-19 cases and deaths, the United States is off the charts compared to other countries. Although the USA comprises five percent of the global population, 32 percent of Covid-19 cases and 25 percent of deaths worldwide [...]
Covid-19: Cuba’s people-before-profit approach pays off as capitalism proves a bitter pill for the US
Havana has punched above its weight for decades when it comes to health. But never have the differences between its socialist system and the market-based system of its strongest detractor, America, been so apparent. Even before it reported novel coronavirus cases of its own in March, Cuba’s fingerprints were all over the efforts to stem the global pandemic, from China’s use of antivirals de [...]
No need to extend Covid-19 home quarantine: Austria to let people out from May 1 and allow gatherings soon
Austrians will soon be able to walk with no restrictions and gather in groups of 10, as coronavirus measures will be gradually lifted starting next month. The easing of the self-isolation measures was announced by Health Minister Rudolf Anschober, who said that the spread of the novel coronavirus remains quite slow and the forecast for the upcoming month looks “very good.” He also said that th [...]
Covid-19 mutations underestimated, Chinese scientists warn, as DEADLIEST strains grip Europe and US 🦠
Chinese scientists have found that Europe and America’s East Coast have been infected by some of the most aggressive Covid-19 strains, as they discovered dozens of virus mutations. These destroy a host’s cells faster than others. The ability of the novel coronavirus to mutate has been previously vastly underestimated, a team from China’s Zhejiang University, led by Professor Li Lanjuan, says [...]
To feel safe, does the world need more weapons or better healthcare? The coronavirus pandemic proves it’s the latter 🦠
The rapid proliferation of nuclear and conventional weapons post-Cold War indicates that governments continue to think of ‘security’ largely in military terms – but Covid-19 has exposed the fallacies in this way of thinking. Evidently, for world leaders, military power is regarded as a vital instrument of state policy and many countries have amassed huge destructive arsenals in a bid to acqu [...]
Hey, where’d you get those supplies from? Polish NATO delegation forgets to mention Covid-19 gear shipment came from China
With the world struggling to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic, Poland’s delegation to NATO has been eager to promote cross-border aid and international solidarity on its Twitter account – with one major exception. The Poland In Nato account has posted a slew of tweets in recent days and weeks, highlighting shipments of medical supplies around the world, making sure to include emoji flags in eac [...]
Europe needs €1.5 TRILLION to recover or single market could ‘break in two’ – EU economy commissioner
The European Union urgently requires financial injections to stay afloat and survive the coronavirus epidemic currently ravaging the continent, the European commissioner for economy, Paolo Gentiloni, has warned. A whopping €1.5 trillion ($ 1.63 trillion) could be needed to “deal with this crisis,” Gentiloni told Der Spiegel ahead of the EU leaders summit on the crisis sparked by the outbreak [...]
US oil market crashes to NEGATIVE in historic plummet
West Texas Intermediate oil prices have gone negative in a record low for the US benchmark, as the market continues to crater amid the general economic collapse. Vanishing demand and a glut of supply have combined to heavily impact the US benchmark fuel, with prices dropping from $18.27 to close at -$37.63 a barrel on Monday – down over 300 percent from the previous day’s close. It's the first [...]
Neither ‘lab’ nor ‘wet market’? Covid-19 outbreak started months EARLIER and NOT in Wuhan, ongoing Cambridge study indicates
The novel coronavirus may have first passed to humans somewhere in southern China months before the outbreak in the city of Wuhan, a new study found, cutting against widely held theories about the origins of the pandemic. Mapping a “network” of coronavirus genomes and tracing mutations over time, a team of researchers led by a Cambridge University geneticist determined the first Covid-19 infec [...]
American clinics report up to 400% rise in abortion requests. If there’s a Covid-19 economic collapse, this will get much worse
“Having a child right now feels like a big luxury.” Facing an out-of-control disease, a grim economic climate and with some states banning abortions as non-essential, many women are rushing to terminate their pregnancies. “Having a child right now feels like a big luxury.” Facing an out-of-control disease, a grim economic climate and with some states banning abortions as non-essential, man [...]
Wary of US? Peru keeps Covid-19 medical shipment route  SECRET over CONFISCATION fears
Peru is being “cautious” in not disclosing the flight path of a plane loaded with Covid-19 testing kits, its disease response chief has said, with the US accused of “confiscating” supplies meant for other nations. Pilar Mazzetti, who leads Peru’s operational center for Covid-19 response, told Reuters that a plane carrying masks and 300,000 testing kits is due to arrive in the country fro [...]
US Warned Israel of Coronavirus Outbreak in China in November, but ‘Nothing Was Done’ – Report
An earlier ABC News report stated that US intelligence officials had warned the military and White House about the spread of a coronavirus outbreak in China as far back as late November 2019, with the Pentagon denying the "product/assessment" existed. US intelligence agencies warned Israel of the threat of a coronavirus outbreak in China as far back as in November 2019, Israeli Channel 12 [...]
US Federal Reserve ‘put the world on its back’ with $2.3 TRILLION injection, chief research analyst tells Boom Bust 🎞️
As organizations like the IMF and the UN warn that this is the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the US central bank has once again decided to pump trillions of dollars into the economy. RT’s Boom Bust talks to the CEO of Transformity Research, Tobin Smith, who has been sounding the alarm lately, saying that the economic downturn in the United States is not due to the corona [...]
‘Covid-19 isn’t going away’: Having face masks on will become NEW REALITY to live with, WHO envoy warns 🎞️
Wearing face masks will become a “revolutionary” new norm of life the world needs to get accustomed to, just like it did when learning of cholera in the 19th century and of HIV in the 20th, a WHO coronavirus expert predicted. “Some form of facial protection, I'm sure, is going to become the norm,” not least to give people a sense of reassurance, World Health Organization (WHO) special [...]