America’s biggest media outlets refused to cover the news this week that the US funded bat coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology years before the Covid-19 pandemic – a fact Dr. Anthony Fauci has denied.
More than 900 documents were obtained by The Intercept, following a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) that revealed th [...]
It’s absolutely amazing to me that people claim they don’t trust their government, the media and now even many of the corporate owned retail outlets. Yet, they are more than willing to bend the knee and put on a face diaper or even take a deadly poison into your body so you can “shop” or go to a concert or or other event. But that’s not freedom, it’s slavery. [...]
Do we really think “it can’t happen here” in America? Could we quarantine the constitution? Are we doing it already?
Panics from pandemics unleash unchecked governmental power. The very premise of popular films like V for Vendetta reveal this: a group uses a virus to seize power and create a totalitarian society. Anyone could witness this from far-off lands, watching the news about Chin [...]
Dr. Peter Schirmacher, who serves as Director at the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, is sounding the alarm on fatal vaccine injuries after performing over forty autopsies on people who had died within two weeks of receiving their COVID shot.
The German daily, Augsburger Allgemeine, reported on his findings: “Schirmacher assumes that 30 to 40 percent of them died f [...]
Speaking about food systems transformation, colonialism, the CIA, the Republicans, the UN budget, and taxing the rich. What we’ve been hearing from the panelists is how the global food system works right now. The minister bashed the U.S. and its constant "hindrance" in the peace process. Lavrov said that everybody knows Volodymyr Zelensky doesn’t act independently. Recently, western powers hel [...]
Tucker Carlson Tonight' is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. We ask the questions that you would ask. With Donald Trump out of office and off of social media, CNN has become obsessed with popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Video. CNN Touts COVID Lab Theory It Previously Slammed Fox Over. [...]
Pfizer has reportedly raised the price of its Covid vaccine dose by a quarter, with Moderna also ramping up the price in its latest deal with the European Union. The two are making tens of billions of dollars in pandemic profits.
According to the Financial Times, which has seen contracts between the two pharmaceutical companies and the EU, Pfizer's latest price for one vaccine dose was €1 [...]
Chinese state-backed newspaper the Global Times accused the United States of holding “major responsibility” for the Covid-19 pandemic after a congressional report blamed China for the virus’ spread.
In an editorial on Monday, the newspaper argued “that the US holds major responsibility for the global spread of the pandemic,” calling “every aspect of what the US has done” t [...]
Social media users have theorized that President Andres Manuel López Obrador could face severe repercussions after he refused to purchase Covid vaccines for children, vowing that Mexico wouldn’t bow to pressure from drugs firms.
In remarks made earlier this week, the Mexican leader said his government was still waiting for the scientific community to demonstrate the benefits of vaccinating [...]
MOSCOW - The Delta COVID-19 strain spreads as easily as chickenpox, with fully vaccinated people also transmitting the virus, The Washington Post has reported, citing an internal document from the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), expected to be published later on Friday.
The transmissibility of the Delta variant is almost as high as chickenpox, with each infected perso [...]
The CDC has released a study backing up its decision to recommend indoor masking for both vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans. The study examined one outbreak and found three-quarters of people testing positive were vaccinated.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revised its masking guidelines on Tuesday, urging all Americans in areas with high Covid-19 transmission to mask [...]
Q: What’s the only pandemic idea worse than sending teams of do-gooding liberal strangers into Middle America to surprise the locals with door-to-door Covid-19 vaccinations? A: Declaring war on the Second Amendment first.
The Biden administration’s new plan to boost vaccination numbers by sending “surge teams” into Covid-19 “hotspots” has the potential to go down in history as [...]
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has found a link connecting mRNA vaccines, such as Pfizer and Moderna, to rare heart conditions following inoculation, and has recommended that these side effects are listed.
The EMA published its findings that there is a risk of heart inflammation conditions - myocarditis and pericarditis – following the administration of mRNA Covid vaccines on Friday [...]
While waiting for the final decision on the controversial vaccine, Norway has decided to distribute its stock of AstraZeneca to fellow Nordic countries that actually want to use them despite the associated risks.
Norwegians run a greater risk of dying from being inoculated with AstraZeneca's vaccine than from COVID-19, the National Institute of Public Health (FHI) concluded in its analysi [...]
Trinidad and Tobago, a country of more than 1.3 million people, recorded its first COVID infection in March last year. The island country has so far recorded more than 28,000 COVID cases, resulting in 670 deaths, as per official figures. China has emerged as the biggest donor of COVID vaccines to the country to date.
The United States is being massively ridiculed for making a paltry donat [...]
While Argentina-born Cuban revolutionary hero Ernesto "Che" Guevara would be 93 on 14 June 2021, the island is finalising testing its domestically made anti-coronavirus vaccines as the end of the pandemic is nowhere in sight. Latin America experts have shed light on how Che and Fidel laid the ground for Cuba's healthcare and biotech development.
Cuba's biotechnological industry is gainin [...]
The majority of Russians believe they haven’t yet had Covid-19, new research reveals, but more than half of people say they aren’t actually worried about catching the virus and far fewer say they’ve signed up for a vaccine so far.
That’s according to a new survey conducted by Moscow’s Levada Center, a pollster registered as a foreign agent by Russia’s Justice Ministry over links to [...]
Sleep researchers have, for the first time, observed the human mind consolidating and storing memories in incredible detail, in real time, reinforcing existing ideas about the function and importance of sleep to human cognition.
For decades, there has been a strong but poorly understood connection between sleep and the formation and solidification of memory in the human brain.
In a recent s [...]
About 60% of Germans would like to get vaccinated with the Russian-made Sputnik V vaccine if they were presented with such an opportunity, a fresh poll has shown.
The survey, conducted by the pollster Forsa, was commissioned by the German Eastern Business Association, a group focusing on economic cooperation between Germany and countries located in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, as [...]
Capitalism has made us cruel. My brother just tested positive for Covid. He can’t smell or taste anything. He feels exhausted. He got it from work. It’s the only place he’s gone for the last year— no friends, no dating, no social life.
They wouldn’t give him time off to get vaccinated. They’ve dumped overtime on him for the last month, and they never tell him his schedule more than [...]
Those of us who put forward an alternative view to the prevailing orthodoxy on the virus or on vaccinations are being vilified, threatened and cancelled. This is not how science, or a functioning democracy, works. I haven’t written for a while, sorry. Instead, I have been sorting out two complaints about my writing made to the General Medical Council (GMC). Also, a complaint from NHS England, an [...]
With the SARS-CoV-2 virus causing almost 3 million deaths worldwide, researchers have been scrambling to learn more about the deadly COVID-19 disease that has threatened global public health and world economies.
A new study, published on preprint server bioRxiv last week, suggests that a cannabis plant compound inhibited infection with SARS-CoV-2 in human lung cells. [...]