Dr. John Apsley reported on increased deaths in North America that he believes are associated with the Fukushima catastrophe, and the leaking of radiation. There was a spike in infant mortality rates within the first 10 weeks of the catastrophe in cities across the US, and the radiation contamination likely came through rainfall, he said, adding that infants were particularly susceptible because o [...]
There are many herbs that provide nutritional support for the body and in this article we'll take a look at the nine best herbs for lung cleansing! Your respiratory system is constantly working. All day, every day, it is the vehicle for oxygen to enter your body. Unfortunately, it can also be an entry point for pollutants, irritants, dust, mold, fungus, harmful organisms, and other toxins. [...]
In a special overdrive segment, Alex takes an in-depth look at the way our bodies react to radioactive fallout from the Fukushima meltdown with Dr. Edward Group, an expert in heavy metal detox and other detox protocols and creator of GlobalHealingCenter.com.
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Anthony Gucciardi is the Foun [...]
Several theories have surfaced explaining the many different reasons why we sleep. However, up to this point in time, the exact reason why we do it remains an elusive truth. Nevertheless, the importance of sleeping can neither be denied nor dismissed. Sleep is so important to each one of us that it warrants no surprise why sleeping aides have gained a considerable following in the market. [...]
You know when you first meet a stranger and that stranger babbles on and on, disclosing way too much information within the first ten minutes of your meeting? And you kind of think, hey, I hardly know you–please, stop! And then later, you vow to avoid that person who clearly has no personal boundaries? [...]
One can really find all kinds of crazy things on the Internet, and how people tell their “secrets” for losing weight. It’s amazing the lengths people will go to when trying to get rid of those last few pounds, and I know some friends that did pretty silly things to lose weight. There are so many diet myths floating around in cyberspace, and it’s hilarious to read all those dieting myths li [...]
When it comes to foods which cause plaque buildup in the arteries, youâve most likely heard that "what you eat can greatly affect your cardiovascular health." However, to know which foods to choose... and which to skip (to achieve your health goals) can be downright challenging. Fear not, heart-healthy eating does not have to be complex. In this article you can find out how to avoid foods whi [...]
This is the Summary of the Sacred Hair Growth Series Videos, providing a quick overview of one of the best Hair Growth Remedies for now. "Viewer Discretion Is Advised." Sacred Hair Growth contains the best herbs and ingredients on earth to stop hair fall, and encourage natural hair re-growth. [...]
For natural hair growth remedies, the all natural Sacred Hair Growth formula is the solution if your hair is thinning, graying, or worse you experience a certain increase in hair loss. A sure sign of an unhealthy development and reasons for concern as this eventually will lead to partial or complete hair loss. [...]
by EMYRALD SINCLAIRE Is the cash in your wallet always mysteriously disappearing? Maybe you need to get a grip on your spending habits. Here are 7 things you could be wasting your money on. Latte at your favorite coffee shop, like Starbucks. Not only are you supporting a global empire, you are wasting money. You can brew your own coffee at home and add your own nut milk to it….sweeten it with [...]
GMO contamination that will ultimately suffocate the entire industry if something isn't done. In a telling response to the highly concerning discovery that Monsanto’s genetically modified alfalfa ended up contaminating a ‘GMO-free’ crop harvest, the USDA went on record in declaring that the genetic contamination was perfectly normal and not any of their concern. In fact, the USDA went on to [...]