A conscientious shopper always reads labels when shopping for groceries. But if you are in the United States, those labels won’t tell you if there are genetically modified ingredients inside. Instead, you have to be a bit of a food detective, digging for the information yourself because the government and food producers alike don’t think you have a right to know. [...]
A Florida woman says she has found the 'fountain of youth."
Her mother and grandmother both died of breast cancer at 47, and 36 years old, respectively.
Her grandmother’s sisters died of cancer at early ages. Diabetes runs in her family.
Annette Larkins is in perfect health and doesn’t take aspirin. In fact, she doesn’t take any medication at all, at least by t [...]
This shocking video was taken December 23rd 2013 with a quality Geiger Counter south of Pacifica State Beach (Surfers Beach) California. Background radiation. Officials "Not Concerned" With 500% Radiation Level Increase on Cali. Beach.
Background radiation reading is 30 CPM. Near the ocean it's 150 CPM. The moister coming from the ocean waves seems to be what makes the Geiger Counter jump up 5X [...]
A labor appeals court in north-central Argentina ruled that the construction of a Monsanto plant is unconstitutional, halting work on the site. The three judge court ruled 2-1 in favor of the activists who filed a legal appeal against Monsanto’s GMO seed plant on environmental protection grounds in the municipality of Malvinas Argentinas, located in central Cordoba Province. [...]
There are few relationships as intimate as the one between a doctor and patient. Now a new service lets you find a great doctor with ease. In this shifting healthcare landscape, the challenge is finding the right physician for you. [...]
New York governor Andrew M. Cuomo is to legalize the use of marijuana in the state, using a decades-old public health law provision, the New York Times reports. The drug - which remains banned federally - will be prescribed for diagnosed medical ailments. [...]
The following may just be one of the most hard-hitting GMO (danger) reports ever aired by the mainstream media. Who would have ever thought Fox news would admit the dangers of GMOs? After all, the mainstream media (MSM) have all but done a complete shut-out concerning activist concerns and anti-GMO marches that have happened around the globe. [...]
The nuclear energy industry in Japan relies on unskilled and uneducated daily workers, and even now the country will not invite foreign experts to help with the Fukushima cleanup due to national pride, Alex Kerr, an expert on Japan, told RT. [...]
It is beyond tragic that people resettling near Fukushima have to figure out how bad the contamination there is, with Japan's government allowing it to happen, Kevin Kamps, a nuclear waste specialist from the Beyond Nuclear organization, told RT. [...]
Think of these 9 New Year's resolutions as contributions toward mental wealth. I know resolutions are supposed to be concrete and associated with specific goals, but today I'd like to present some holistic resolutions that have the potential to cause a shift in everyday mentality, habits and lifestyle choices. [...]
Kombucha is a fermented tea rich in probiotics and antioxidants. The fermentation process yields many potential health benefits that we discuss right here. f you’re into health food, you may have heard of kombucha. Kombucha is a lightly fermented tea which has achieved considerable popularity among the healthy eating crowd. [...]
The release of GMO vaccine by PaxVax Austraila that consist of live bacteria into the environment of South Austraila, exactly Queensland, and western Austraila is on it’s way to be approved by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator. According to the regulator, it qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of & [...]
Magic mushrooms are not good only for psycho-logic health, but also for repairing brain damage PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) That is caused by the extreme trauma. This was studied in the University Of South Florida after researching magic mushrooms’s active ingredients The study confirms previous research by Imperial College London, that psilocybin, a naturally occurring compound pre [...]
I'm reading with mounting incredulity the increasingly frenzied reports about the radiation problems at the site of the crippled reactors at Fukushima. The idea seems to be gathering speed that there is some major problem at the site, one that's going to have regional or even global implications for health [...] [...]
To paraphrase an oft-misattributed quote, pseudoscience can travel halfway around the world while good science is still putting its lab coat on. This would appear to be the case for “At the Very Least, Your Days of Eating Pacific Ocean Fish Are Over,” a hysterical blog post alleging that all fish out of the Pacific will be unsafe to eat forever because of leaking radioactive water from the Fuk [...]
A wheelchair-bound Canadian woman was denied entry to the United States this week because she was previously diagnosed with clinical depression. Now she wants to know why the US Department of Homeland Security had her medical history on file. [...]
Coke is the most valuable brand in history, and “Coca-Cola” is the world’s second-most recognized word after “hello.” However, the beverage itself is an absolute poison to the human metabolism. Coke is very close to the acidity level of battery acid and consequently it can clean surfaces equivalent to and often better than many toxic household cleaners. & [...]
Mental health problems in children from wealthy US and UK families soar, new research reveals. The richer sectors of society are facing a crisis of eating disorders, drug abuse and self-harm, mostly due to "unrealistic" expectations pinned on kids. Wealthy parents expect their off-springs to excel in all fields, including sports and music, as well as academically, American psychologists c [...]
Despite more than two-dozen video recordings showing otherwise, President Obama said that he never promised Americans they'd be able to keep their health care plans under the Affordable Care Act. Speaking to supporters in Washington on Monday, Obama claimed that in the past, he said, “You could keep [your plan] if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed.” [...]
An anti-nuclear lawmaker broke a taboo, drawing heavy criticism in Japan, by handing the Emperor a letter of concern over the issue of the growing Fukushima radiation and the impact on childrenâs health. [...]
A new study has found that levels of air pollution downwind of the largest tar sands, oil and gas producing region in Canada rival levels found in the world’s most polluted cities. And that pollution isn’t just dirtying the air — it also could be tied increased [...]
Despite the departure of all his neighbors and the unexplained deaths of some of his stock, Tokue Hosokawa refuses to budge. Until March 2011, Tokue Hosokawa had only to peer through the window of his home in Iitate village to confirm that all was well with his 100-year-old family business. [...]