
Sanctions Test: Can the West’s Bankers Resist Russia’s $3Bln Bond Issue?
If western banks respond to Russia's bond offering, which will become an additional source of revenue for its economy, it will be a fatal signal for the West and a political fiasco for the US and EU, according to western media. Russia has announced plans to issue sovereign bonds worth $3 billion and has invited European, Chinese and US banks to bid for the issue. [...]
The Mad Violence of Casino Capitalism
American society is morally bankrupt and politically broken, and its vision of the future appears utterly dystopian. As the United States descends into the dark abyss of an updated form of totalitarianism, the unimaginable has become imaginable in that it has become possible not only to foresee the death of the essential principles of constitutional democracy, but also the birth of what Hannah Are [...]
‘No Future’ West Slams Russia’s UNSC Resolution Aiming at Peace
While Russia has presented a draft resolution to the United Nations asking all parties to respect Syria’s right to sovereignty, the United States and France have criticized the move as a mere distraction. This is unsurprising given that the US and France are both currently violating Syria’s sovereignty. [...]
What are you on? Google boss grilled over taxes, but doesn’t know his own salary
Google’s European boss told MPs he does not know his own salary during a grilling over the tech giant’s controversial tax affairs. Matt Brittin appeared before the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on Thursday to answer questions regarding a deal struck between Google and the government, whereby the internet company paid a mere £130 million (US$185 million) in tax in the last 10 years. [...]
Cameron is sowing the seeds of fascism
Cameron was crowing this week over his ‘victory’ on the issue of migrant benefits. But EU leaders should be extremely wary of what has been agreed. Cameron emerged seemingly triumphant from this week’s meeting with European Council President Donald Tusk. [...]
Ukraine’s economy minister dramatically resigns, citing covert corruption
Ukraine’s minister for economic development and trade, Aivaras Abromavicius, who is one of several foreign experts in the government who was brought in to help Kiev with reforms, has announced his resignation, citing corruption levels in the state. [...]
US debt hits record $19 trillion
The United States federal debt has surpassed $19 trillion for the first time in history according to the Treasury Department. However, the real figure could exceed $65 trillion, according to a former US Comptroller General. The official debt of $19 trillion represents almost $60,000 for every man, woman and child living in America today. [...]
Glistening Gold & The Rumble In The Ruble – America’s “Tribute Scam” Is Unraveling Fast
A case can be made that for Moscow it would be a tremendous waste of hard-earned foreign exchange to try to counter a rig against their currency they simply cannot beat, as the entire fiat financial power of the US is against them. Russia’s Central Bank by now should be all-out selling rubles for gold, and building Russia’s gold reserves. Well, it is happening, somewhat. [...]
Goldman Sachs executive takes ‘personal leave’ amid Malaysian fund corruption probes
Tim Leissner, chairman of Goldman Sachs Southeast Asia’s operations, has taken a “personal leave” amidst corruption scandals associated with Malaysia’s state-owned 1MDB fund, with which Goldman worked closely. [...]
US Justice Dept hits 80 Swiss banks with penalties
Eighty Swiss banks have agreed to pay the US fines totaling $1.36 billion in order to avoid court prosecution, according to the US Justice Department. After the investigation has been completed all the banks are required to cooperate in related criminal or civil proceedings, said the department. [...]
Clinton Laughs Off Calls for Wall St. Transparency; Santa Fe, Philly Consider Public Bank Solution
The Wall Street Journal recently reported: “Both of the leading Democratic presidential candidates made the case [during the last debate] that the financial services industry wants to keep them out of the White House, fearing the tough regulatory measures they would impose if elected.” Vox reports: “According to [Bernie] Sanders, a bank that is too big to fail is too big to exist … [...]
EXCLUSIVE: The Secret Behind the Next Global Crash
The World Economic Forum in Davos is submerged by a tsunami of denials, and even non-denial denials, stating there won’t be a follow-up to the Crash of 2008. Yet there will be. And the stage is already set for it. Selected Persian Gulf traders, and that includes Westerners working in the Gulf confirm that Saudi Arabia is unloading at least $1 trillion in securities and crashing [...]
Betting on the Wall Street Crash
The 2008 Wall Street crash resulted from a combination of unrestrained greed and political contempt for government regulators who might have prevented the devastation. In The Big Short, the tale is told from the perspective of a few players who saw the inevitable and made money on the crash, writes James DiEugenio. If you read Michael Lewis’s book The Big Short or see the movie by the same na [...]
IMF’s Prescription for Europe: Exploit Refugees with Low Wages
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Wednesday released a report urging the European countries accepting a majority of refugees to "temporarily" pay them less than minimum wage. In its report, the IMF recommended implementing a short-term differentiation between asylum seekers and EU [...]
World facing ‘wave of epic debt defaults,’ says economist who predicted Lehman crash
The financial situation in the world has become so unstable that a new wave of defaults and bankruptcies will soon emerge, says William White, the chairman of the OECD's review committee and former chief economist of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). [...]
Global Economy Dead In The Water
The Titanic we all know as the Global economy appears to be moving along at full speed. But signs of sea ice are dead ahead. Is the economy moving? The Baltic Dry Index has hit a new low. The Baltic Dry Index is the assessment of the price of moving all of the globes major raw materials by sea, including commodities like coal, grain, and iron ore. Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge reports “ Last wee [...]
Wall Street in Panic: US stock markets close with biggest losses since September
The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 391.86 points (2.39 percent) on Friday, making it the largest daily point loss since September of last year. The sell-off was triggered by plummeting oil prices and turmoil in Chinese markets. The Dow hasn’t seen such a momentous loss since September 1, 2015 [...]
Something Big Underway! Banks Have Never Done This Before — End of Dollar?  | Economy
The truth about the elites agenda is about to ‘slap us in the face’. No longer do they hide behind closed doors—no—they are wide open about their cause and they are laughing at the masses while secretly planning our economic downfall. The collapse of the dollar will be the single largest event in human history. [...]
The Chart That Explains Everything
Why is the economy barely growing after seven years of zero rates and easy money? Why are wages and incomes sagging when stock and bond prices have gone through the roof? Why are stocks experiencing such extreme volatility when the Fed increased rates by a mere quarter of a percent? It’s the policy, stupid. And here’s the chart that explains exactly what the policy is. [...]
Economic Collapse | Ramifications of the US dollar losing its status
With the collapse of the US dollar or an economic collapse we need to consider the sociopolitical effects as well as the financial effects. Ron Paul gives the details. It will likely be the tipping point at which the US government becomes sufficiently desperate to implement official restrictions on the movement of people and their money, nationalization of retirement savings, and other forms of [...]
Ron Paul Says to Watch the Petrodollar
By considering Ron Paul's words on the petrodollar, we will know when the dollar collapse is imminent. The chaos that one day will ensue from our 35-year experiment with worldwide fiat money will require a return to money of real value. We will know that day is approaching when oil-producing countries demand gold, or its equivalent, for their oil rather than dollars or euros. The sooner the bet [...]
Full Show – Alex Jones: The Aliens Are Here
On this Tuesday, January 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover the alarming crash of the Chinese stock market as the Shanghai Composite Index enters free fall. We also cover the failure of Muslim migrants to integrate in Europe and the negligence of European politicians as they refuse to address the rape crisis on the continent while Germans demand the resignation of Chancellor Andrea Merkel. [...]