Search Results For [Trump Venezuela]

Trump boasts he wanted to take Venezuela’s oil after overthrowing its government
Former US President Donald Trump boasted at a Republican Party rally that he wanted to "take over" Venezuela, and "we would have gotten all that oil". This confirms the sinister motives behind Washington's 2019 coup attempt to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro and install Juan Guaidó.   [...]
Trump praises Venezuela’s Juan Guaidó at the State of the Union | 2020 State of the Union
President Donald Trump brought a surprise guest—Venezuela opposition leader Juan Guaidó--to his 2020 State of the Union address. Trump criticized Guaidó’s rival Nicolas Maduro before recognizing Guaidó in the House Chambers. “Mr. President, please take this message back to your homeland. All Americans are united with the Venezuelan people in their righteous struggle for freedom,” Trum [...]
Over $30 billion of Venezuela’s assets stolen on ‘Trump’s orders’ – official
More than US$30 billion were illegally diverted from Venezuela in two months, the country’s communications and information minister has revealed, accusing the US of orchestrating the operation. [...]
Running country like a business: Trump calls Venezuela ‘company,’ but is it a Freudian slip?
Donald Trump seems to be taking the “running the country as a business” shtick pretty seriously. Why else would he refer to Venezuela, a country his administration targeted for its latest regime change op, as a “company”? [...]
Russia must get out of Venezuela, all options open – Trump
US President Donald Trump has warned that Russia must get out of Venezuela. Two planeloads of Russian troops are currently in the Latin American country under the terms of a 2001 cooperation treaty. [...]
Trump’s Venezuela gamble is turning out to be a beaten docket
Trump’s bid for regime change in Venezuela is starting to look like a fatal overreach. With the South American country’s military remaining firmly loyal to President Maduro, embarrassing questions loom over US’ dubious game plan [...]
‘Stop Trump’s insane actions!’ Venezuela’s Maduro talks to RT about avoiding war
At a time when the eyes of the world are closely watching his country, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has given an exclusive interview to RT Spanish, speaking about the threats of war and of foul play in politics. [...]
Trump confirms use of US military in Venezuela among ‘options’ on table
The option of sending the US military to Venezuela is on the table, while talking to President Nicolas Maduro is not, President Donald Trump said in an interview on Sunday. While talking to CBS' Face the Nation, Trump would not expand on the prospects of military involvement in the crisis in the Latin America country besides replying that "it's an option." [...]
Act of gangsterism against Venezuela: Trump, Pence, Pompeo star in the Pirates of the Caribbean
You could scour the bowels of US imperial crimes, from the Mexican-American War to the Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam, and you won’t find a more brazen cynical act gangsterism than that which is now underway against oil-rich Venezuela. [...]
Venezuela Just Announced The Unthinkable, BRICS And Entire Oil Industry Changes FOREVER After This
Here’s a plot twist: Venezuela is shaking up the global energy scene by hinting that it might hand over its massive oil and gas contracts to the BRICS nations. This isn’t just a minor shuffle—it’s a potential game-changer that could rewrite the rules of global energy and alliances. So, what’s really going on? Let’s break it down in a way that’s easy to digest. Venezuela, the countr [...]
Deja vu: USA tries to impose new puppet government in Venezuela
As part of a new coup attempt in Venezuela, the US has recognized opposition leader Edmundo González as supposed president, after Trump tried to impose puppet Juan Guaidó in 2019. The State Department cited only US government-funded sources to accuse President Maduro of "electoral fraud". Ben Norton shows how misleading - and hypocritical - Washington's claims are. US Government-linked Firmi [...]
US sells over a million barrels of seized Iranian fuel headed for Venezuela
The United States has sold more than a million barrels of Iranian fuel seized under its sanctions program last year, Reuters reported on Thursday, citing the US Department of Justice. The seizures were part of Washington’s economic sanctions on Tehran over its nuclear program, and the US’ designation of a number of Iranian groups as terrorists. The US government under President Donald Tru [...]
Maduro: Guaido ‘Dumped’ Trump Despite Getting $800 Mln Over 2 Years as Media Declares Biden Victory
The current administration actively supported the Venezuelan opposition figure, who orchestrated an unsuccessful coup attempt in 2018 and reportedly organised another one in 2019. Washington recognises Guaido as Venezuela's interim president and is pressuring the country with sanctions to force elected president, Nicolas Maduro to resign. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has stated tha [...]
‘Today, Venezuela. Tomorrow, Iran?’: Gabbard Slams Washington’s War Rhetoric
Democratic candidate Tulsi Gabbard declared in a campaign video that the media only supports US President Donald Trump when he talks about military actions towards other countries. “Neocons/Neolibs and MSM all sing from the same song sheet: War war war!!! Trump never gets positive media unless he's threatening war/carrying out military action. [...]
US, Venezuelan Military Had Reached Secret Deal on Maduro’s Arrest – Reports
One of the negotiators on the Venezuelan side was allegedly Defence Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez, who is thought to have had a last-minute change of heart. The Trump administration had an agreement in place with Venezuela's military that President Nicolas Maduro would be arrested during this week's attempted coup, the Spanish newspaper ABC reports, citing a source in the US National Securit [...]
First Venezuela, now Nicaragua? Bolton says Ortega’s days ‘numbered’ & people ‘will soon be free’
US President Donald Trump’s top foreign policy advisor John Bolton appears dead set on resuming his decades-long stand-off with Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega, hinting that Washington-backed regime change may be in the offing. [...]
The Yankee Plot to Overthrow Nicolás Maduro and Steal Venezuela’s Oil
The Trump administration is openly engaging in a blatant effort to overthrow the government of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela. It’s a campaign aimed at regime change, and it’s being publicly promoted as an opportunity to steal Venezuelan oil for the benefit of U.S. corporations. They’re not even pretending. But this is not some insane Twitter thought spewed by Trump after guzzling down gallo [...]
Pompeo Claims Hezbollah’s ‘Active Cells’ in Venezuela Are Cause for US Action
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro previously appealed to US citizens to ask them for support and to prevent the Trump administration from turning his country into “another Vietnam”. [...]
‘Neo-con wine in an America First bottle’: Foreign policy analysts rail against Trump’s SOTU address
Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech sent mixed messages about where the president stands on foreign policy, analysts told RT, as his anti-intervention views clash with his threats against Iran and Venezuela. [...]
How US-Venezuela Escalation Unfolded From Sanctions to Backing Anti-Maduro Coup
The Trump administration has officially recognised opposition figure Juan Guaido as the president of Venezuela and dismissed Nicolas Maduro’s inauguration as “illegitimate”. Maduro, on the other hand, hit back, saying that Washington has been trying to oust him. [...]
How India Courts Trump’s Latin Neighbors, Pursues Ties in US Backyard
New Delhi is maintaining an independent foreign policy course with regard to Latin American countries, Indian political analysts told Sputnik. They stressed that Donald Trump's pressure on Cuba and Venezuela would unlikely affect India's ties with these countries and explained how New Delhi avoids a clash of interests with China in the region. [...]
How the US wages economic war on countries all around the world
The United States government has imposed sanctions on more than one-third of countries on Earth, including over 60% of poor countries. Ben Norton documents how Washington's economic warfare is deadly in nations like Venezuela, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. It is also fragmenting the global financial system, as China and Russia create alternatives. Topics 0:00 USA has sanctions on 1/3rd of wo [...]