In this thought-provoking episode of Motivate Mindfulness, we delve into the unexpected reelection of Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission. Despite facing significant criticism and ongoing investigations into her past dealings, von der Leyen secured another term, leaving many in the European Parliament and beyond both amused and bewildered.
Polish Female Member Of The European Parliament Criticizes Ursula Von Der Leyen. Ursula von der Leyen was confirmed for a second term as European Commission President after a lively debate in the European parliament. Ursula von der Leyen was heavily criticised for her immigration and green policies by a representative of the newest far-right group in the European Parliament.
Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik, a Polish MEP part of the Eurosceptic and hard right Europe of Sovereign Nations (ESN) group, lashed out at Ms Von der Leyen hours before members of the European Parliament held a vote on whether the incumbent European Commission President should retain her role for another term. After taking the floor, Ms Zajączkowska-Hernik described the first election as president of Ms Von der Leyen as a “huge mistake” before hitting out in an astonishing rant at some of the German politician’s signature policies.
She claimed: “You are the face of the European Green Deal, which is destroying the European economy and agriculture, which is leading to Europe becoming an economic backwater. “You are the face of all the EU’s climate craziness, which leads to us Europeans becoming poorer and poorer.