The End of America begins in the Middle East/Larry Johnson🎞

The End of America begins in the Middle East/Larry Johnson🎞

In this video we’ll be talking with former CIA analyst Larry Johnson about challenges faced by the United States and the western world as the Middle East plunges into an abyss of turmoil. As chaos engulfs the Middle East, the United States finds itself entangled in a web of conflicts, struggling to maintain its balance amidst force-producing events. Lacking a comprehensive strategy to effectively address these issues, the consequences for the Western order become increasingly alarming. Examining the ongoing Israeli-Hamas conflict, we witness a clear representation of the gradual erosion of the Western order. This unsettling demonstration sheds light on the dire state of affairs and begs the question: Will the unraveling of the Middle East ultimately bring about the downfall of the United States and the Western world?