World War III Is On But the Empire Has Already Lost – Global Research

World War III Is On But the Empire Has Already Lost – Global Research

We have seen many dire warnings that the crises in Ukraine and the Middle East risk escalation into World War III, a war between the U.S. and its “allies” vs. Russia, Iran, and China (RIC), three nations labeled officially by U.S. military propaganda as “threats” or “adversaries.” Not far behind on the hit list are North Korea, Venezuela, and a host of fence-sitting nations from the “Global South.”

I contend that the hot phase of WWIII actually began with the inauguration of U.S. President Joe Biden on January 20, 2021.

A more accurate name for what the U.S. is fronting is the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire, whose aim for over a century, as we shall analyze,  has been total world conquest.

“A NATO invasion of nuclear Russia is currently underway, and the world is unaware that it is in World War III”. Has President Putin’s Patience Reached Its Limits?

All Red Lines Crossed – Multiple Times