Turkey And Iran Ditch The Dollar, Putin Smiles And Trump Cries – Economic Collapse Will Be Gradual!

Turkey And Iran Ditch The Dollar, Putin Smiles And Trump Cries – Economic Collapse Will Be Gradual!

The relationship between the US and Turkey has taken another gigantic hit. It appears Turkey has joined the other powerhouses of the Eastern world (Russia and China) by preparing for economic warfare against the US in the near future.

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At the very least, it strongly symbolizes the end of the 70-year alliance between Turkey and the US.

Turkey has decided to pull all of its gold reserves from the US Federal Reserve System. The Central Bank of Turkey requested that the 220 tons of gold be returned to Turkey. At the same time, two Turkish banks – Ziraat and Vakifbank – chose to remove their 95 tons of gold from the Federal Reserve as well.

The reason for this move is believed to be in anticipation of US sanctions on Turkey. This is the US’s way of punishing Turkey for not going along with their plans in Syria and for becoming closer allies with Russia, China, and Iran.

A sudden dollar collapse would create global economic turmoil. Investors would rush to other currencies, such as the euro, or other assets, such as gold and commodities. Demand for Treasurys would plummet, and interest rates would rise. U.S. import prices would skyrocket, causing inflation.

U.S. exports would be dirt cheap, given the economy a brief boost. In the long run, inflation, high-interest rates, and volatility would strangle possible business growth. Unemployment would worsen, sending the United States back into recession or even a depression.

The United States is not a country, it’s a massive shopping center. It makes wars to take other peoples resources, it controls the media globally and has puppet states around the world. But today, things are changing, as Russia, China, Turkey, and Iran move towards checkmating America, things aren’t looking so great.

Protect yourself from a dollar collapse. Keep your assets well-diversified by holding foreign mutual funds, gold, and other commodities. A dollar collapse would create global economic turmoil. To respond to this kind of uncertainty, you must be mobile. Keep your assets liquid, so you can shift them as needed. Make sure your job skills are transferable. Update your passport, in case things get so bad for so long that you need to move quickly to another country. These are just a few ways to protect yourself and survive a dollar collapse.

Türkiye, tüm altın rezervlerini ABD Federal Rezerv Sisteminden almaya karar verdi. Türkiye Merkez Bankası, 220 ton altının Türkiye’ye iade edilmesini istedi. Aynı zamanda, iki Türk bankası – Ziraat ve Vakıfbank – Federal Rezerv Bankası’ndan 95 ton altını da çıkarmayı seçti.

Турция решила вытащить все свои золотые запасы из Федеральной резервной системы США. Центральный банк Турции потребовал вернуть 220 тонн золота в Турцию. В то же время два турецких банка – «Зираат» и «Вакифбанк» – решили также удалить из Федерального резерва свои 95 тонн золота.

Turki telah memutuskan untuk menarik semua rizab emasnya daripada Sistem Rizab Persekutuan AS. Bank Negara Turki meminta agar 220 tan emas dikembalikan ke Turki. Pada masa yang sama, dua bank Turki – Ziraat dan Vakifbank – memilih untuk mengeluarkan 95 tan emas dari Rizab Persekutuan.
